014 Secondary education (Physics)
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We offer the degree programme leading to the Bachelor of Science in Physics Education.
Official duration of programme is 4 years, full-time form of studies (240 credits ECTS).
The programme requirements in the Programme Specification includes:
- theoretical cycle (231 ECTS credits) of disciplines in the form of classroom training (lectures, seminars, and practical classes) and independent work;
- professional practice at enterprises and institutions (9 ECTS credits);
- higher education applicants certification in the form of comprehensive state examination on the cycle of professional and practical training and the defence of qualification paper.
Credits are assigned to the student when he/she successfully passes written (or oral) tests and examinations in subjects, defends course papers, reports results of his/her practical training, passes final examinations.
Acquired competences:
Knowledge and understanding:
- Knowledge and understanding of the physics of natural phenomena; measurement units for physical quantities and relations between them; current physics terminology; basics of theoretical and experimental research methods in physics; fundamentals of programming, main programming languages, their classification and application; principles of solving typical physical problems; computer modelling of physical processes; means of ecosystems protection; physical phenomena and ideas that form the basis of current physics; modern astrophysical concepts, basics of chief hardware functioning, main characteristics of computer local area networks; methods of numerical solutions of mathematical models, methodology of school physics teaching; teaching techniques and academic performance rating; safety regulations, regulations on occupational safety.
Application of knowledge and understanding (Applying knowledge and understanding):
- Ability to organize work in physics laboratories; ability to predict experiment results; ability to create physical process model; to make a rational choice of research methods; to use computers for carrying out preliminary calculations, data processing, information search and storage, to conduct statistics analysis of research results;
- Ability to perform computer modelling of physical processes; to properly present the results of experiments in the form of graphs, diagrams, bar-charts, etc.;
- Ability to teach Physics at secondary school, special classes, lyceums and gymnasia.
Making judgments:
- Ability to organize personal activity; to form the orientation basis of one’s own actions; to evaluate personal activity results related to the achievement of partial and general activity goals, to correct activity goals and structure in order to increase the safety and efficiency of the activity.
- Ability to search for new information: work with educational, scientific and informational sources.
- Ability to mobilize personal competencies by direct observation and interpretation of observed results, induction, memorizing, etc.; to use information technologies, databases, hypertexts, navigation systems, information search systems; with the help of appropriate methods to conduct the analysis of foreign-language sources with the aim of obtaining the information necessary for solving problems of professional and production activities.
Academic rights: Access to further study for the academic level of Master’s Degree.
Professional rights: Employment that corresponds to the specialty of Bachelor of Science in Physics Education: secondary school teacher.