011 Educational Sciences (Educational Measurement)
- Written by ННІ ІНФОТЕХ
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We offer the degree programme leading to the Master of Education in Educational Measurement.
The programme requirements in the Programme Specification includes:
- Theoretical cycle (72 ECTS credits) of disciplines in the form of classroom training (lectures, seminars, and practical classes) and independent work;
- Professional practice at educational testing centers and professional instructor practice (12 ЕСТS credits);
- Higher education applicants certification comprises the state examination in educational measurements and testing and the defence of Master’s paper (6 ЕСТS credits).
Credits are assigned to the student when he/she successfully passes written (or oral) tests and examinations in subjects, defends course papers, reports results of his/her practical training, passes final examinations.
Acquired competences:
Knowledge and understanding:
- - knowledge of current application of the evaluation and measurement principles for making decisions about individuals or groups of individuals, educational process planning, development of new training and educational programs and the improvement of existing ones
- - knowledge of technical, legal and ethical requirements for evaluation and measurement tools, ability to determine the compliance to these requirements of both these tools themselves and the methods and the results of their application
- - knowledge of methods and means of computerization for the evaluation and measurement, analysis of the results and the ability to use such means
Application of knowledge and understanding (Applying knowledge and understanding):
- - ability to perform quality examination and evaluation of educational institutions
- - ability to present the practical activity results in scientific reports
- - ability to plan monitoring activities
- - ability to apply mathematical and statistical methods to monitor the quality of education, to present the results
- - ability to use computer technologies in professional activity
- - ability to perform methodological work on training teachers and instructors with the help of education quality monitoring
- - ability to ensure and perform monitoring activities in secondary and higher schools, special schools and institutions
Making judgments:
- - ability to integrate knowledge and overcome difficulties and formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information considering ethical and social responsibility for their application
- - ability to transmit one’s own decisions, as well as knowledge and thoughts they are based on, clearly and explicitly to both specialists and non-specialists
- - ability to continue education at a more independent and autonomous basis
Academic rights: Access to post-graduate (doctorate) programs
Professional rights: Employment that corresponds to the specialty of professional in the area of information and informational analysis, inspector of an educational institution, instructor at universities and higher educational institutions.