014 Secondary education (Mathematics)
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- Друк
We offer the degree programme leading to the Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education.
Official duration of programme is 4 years, full-time form of studies (240 credits ECTS).
The programme requirements in the Programme Specification includes:
- theoretical cycle (231 ECTS credits) of disciplines in the form of classroom training (lectures, seminars, and practical classes) and independent work;
- professional practice at enterprises and institutions (9 ECTS credits);
- higher education applicants certification in the form of comprehensive state examination on the cycle of professional and practical training and the defence of qualification paper.
Credits are assigned to the student when he/she successfully passes written (or oral) tests and examinations in subjects, defends course papers, reports results of his/her practical training, passes final examinations.
Acquired competences:
Knowledge and understanding:
- Acquired competencies: 1) Social-Personal Competencies: ability to study, to process new cognitive data, to organize personal activity at the time of solving tasks, rationally distribute one’s efforts; ability to critical, creative and systemic thinking; persistence in achieving the goals, responsibility; understanding and embracing ethical norms of behaviour in society and in the wild; following the norms of healthy lifestyle; ecological literacy; tolerance;
- 2) General Scientific Competencies: basic concepts of the basics of philosophy, psychology, pedagogy that promote the development of general culture and socialization of a person; knowledge of fundamental branches of mathematics in the amount necessary to use the mathematics apparatus of the corresponding knowledge area, ability to use mathematical methods in the chosen profession; basic knowledge in the area of informatics and current information technologies;
- 3) Professional Competencies: knowledge of the theories and basic methods of mathematical disciplines, methods and techniques of mathematical modelling.
Application of knowledge and understanding (Applying knowledge and understanding):
- ability to use concepts and facts of fundamental mathematical disciplines;
- ability to use mathematical apparatus and mathematical methods for the modelling, analysis and solving of both specifically mathematical and applied tasks, understanding and interpretation of obtained results;
- ability to use modern computer means, global, local and mobile computer networks;
- ability to use the modern pedagogical approaches of teaching mathematics at secondary school.
Making judgments:
- ability to find the methods of solving mathematical and applied tasks;
- ability to make substantiated decisions based on the results of using mathematical research methods.
Academic rights: Access to further study for the academic level of Master’s Degree.
Professional rights: Employment that corresponds to the specialty of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Education: secondary school teacher.